
"Several people are gathering inside a dark room. They can speak to each other, but nobody knows the identity of each other (since it is dark).  They can only distinguish the speaker's voice. People outside the dark room cant hear inside."

That's the premise. 

The point is, i need a private, disposable, chat platform.  By "private", i mean "the chat message is not saved on centralized server". By "disposable", i mean "the chat log is easy to delete".

So i made a go server, and a javascript client. They communicate with each other via websocket. The server wont store the chat, it only transmit it to whoever online right now. 

Live demo v1.1 : https://dark-heya.rtnf141.repl.co (Using more secure https + wss protocol)
Live demo v1.0 : http://dark-heya.ddns.net 

The number on the top means the number of people currently in the room. Dont say anything if the number is one, you're basically speaking to yourself, your message wont be sent anywhere. This number is updated almost-realtime. It will be updated whenever new user is coming or leaving.

Here is the source code : https://github.com/altilunium/darkhall . You can set up your own instance if you want, for your personal usage.